Our interns participate in the preparation of the Youth Forum "Truth or Dare

This year the fourth edition of the Youth Forum "Truth or Dare" will be special - young people will be included not only as participants but also as direct organizers of the event. The educational team of the center, together with the interns, are working hard to prepare for the long-awaited event, which will take place this October.

During the meeting, the participants were distributed on the specific topics, the title was chosen, the vision of the advertising materials (brochures and an event on Facebook) and a program for the event was prepared.

  The activities are implemented under the project "Youth Center Plovdiv - a powerful factor for local development" under the program "Local development, poverty reduction and improved inclusion of vulnerable groups", funded by the Financial Mechanism of the European Economic Area 2014 - 2021.


Project № BG06-103 "Establishing a Youth Centre in the City of Plovdiv" under the programme "Children and Youth at Risk", component 1 "Care for Youth at Risk" with the financial support of Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway by the Financial Mechanism of the European Economic Area 2009-2014.

Project № BGLD-1.003-0002 "Youth Centre Plovdiv - a powerful factor for local development" under the programme “Local development, poverty reduction and enhanced inclusion of vulnerable groups” funded by the Financial Mechanism of the European Economic Area 2014-2021.