Advisory Council on youth and sports issues in the city of Plovdiv - second meeting

On October 20 /Sunday/ the second meeting of the Advisory Council on youth and sports issues in the city of Plovdiv is coming up. During it, it is planned to discuss the regulations for the organization of the Council's activities, along with the distribution of responsibilities and the definition of the roles of each of the members.
We remind you that the main goal of the Advisory Council on Youth and Sports in the city of Plovdiv is to empower young people to actively participate in the construction of youth activities and policies at the local and national level.
Any active young person aged 15-29 can become part of the Council. You only need to register here:…/1FAIpQLSfNpuhmIakx3…/formResponse…


Project № BG06-103 "Establishing a Youth Centre in the City of Plovdiv" under the programme "Children and Youth at Risk", component 1 "Care for Youth at Risk" with the financial support of Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway by the Financial Mechanism of the European Economic Area 2009-2014.

Project № BGLD-1.003-0002 "Youth Centre Plovdiv - a powerful factor for local development" under the programme “Local development, poverty reduction and enhanced inclusion of vulnerable groups” funded by the Financial Mechanism of the European Economic Area 2014-2021.